Dedication To A New York Blues Man
What can you say about Frankie Paris?
“One of the greatest voices in the blues circuit on the East Coast. Frankie has one of the finest soul-blues voices to appear in the past few years. His tenor is high and penetrating…and even richer gospel tinge.” — New York Times.
My name is Horace D. Scott and I thank you Mr. Paris for your music your timing your style. I thank you for your dedication to the art form called BLUES. Although, I never had the privilege to formally meet Mr. Frankie Paris it is with great humility that I attempt to pay proper respects to the man who’s musical talents earned him a permanent place in the New York music scene. So I close by saying, as is tradition when someone passes “Frankie Paris is not gone as long as his music plays on”.
Horace D. Scott/2011
In Memory of Keith Lambeth
“Keith Lambeth was a talented Composer, Arranger, Musical Director and Musician but above all he was my friend. Keith Lambeth was the kind of guy that people just liked. His musical world was filled with so many great and talented people. Sam and Dave, Richie Havens, B.B. King, James Cotton, Carla Thomas, Melissa Morgan, Doug E. Fresh, The Manhattans and so many more. I’m not a man of many words, so I’ll keep this simple. In life, there are people who come and go. Once and a while someone will enter your life and you’re a better person because of them, Keith was one of those people.”
Michael G. Merola